The key to passing your Theory Test is preparation.  Luckily we have this covered for you as each new pupil will be provided free access to our online Theory App which can be used on Desktop, Laptops, Tablets or mobile devices through the Play or App store.

We would also advise that you purchase a copy of the highway code for revision at home.

To stand the best chance of passing your Theory Test it is recomended that you take up a little and often approach to revision.  Each day read a few pages of the highway code and have a little practise on our theory app.  Eventually things will sink in and once your test is booked you will be able to step up your revision schedule.

Within our theory app you will be able to practise both short and full Theory Test questions.  Short tests consist of just 10 questions so they are an ideal option for the little and often approach.  Every few days though make sure you complete a full Theory Test as this will be very similar to your real Theory Test.

The Hazard perception element can also be practised on the app.  We have a series of clips similar to those that are used by the DVSA.  You will be required to click the screen or mouse anytime you see a hazard.  A hazard is anything that would potentially cause you to change speed or direction.

Your Driving Instructor is able to review your progress and will be on hand to help you should you have any questions.